Building Better Relationships with People


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Dear Conscious Community,

In my last podcast, I discussed the importance of building better relationships at work. I made the connection between home and work environments, highlighting the tendency to replicate similar relationships and dynamics in both areas. I suggested reflecting on how one feels about coworkers or managers/ bosses, etc. and comparing that to experiences with authority figures at home. Given that our childhood experiences shape how we engage with the world and that difficulties in childhood can lead to challenges in adult relationships, it is not a surprise if you find a similarity between work and home relationships.

Addressing the issue of building better relationships at work, I talked about the high turnover rate in today’s workforce and remote work since the pandemic. I emphasized the difficulty in fostering camaraderie, growth, and commitment to excellence with all that is going on these days. In today’s climate, those values can still be achieved if the employees’ extrinsic (external) and intrinsic (internal) needs are met. Please watch my video to learn more about intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation.

The process of cultivating better relationships both at home and in the work environment begins with building greater emotional intelligence (EQ) in yourself. EQ is the process of getting to know yourself, knowing what your needs are and then gradually putting those needs out into the environment to get the desired result. It becomes tricky when people don’t know what their inner needs are or how to get them met at work. Counseling is a great way to find clarity and courage to address these issues.

If you know of anyone who is struggling in the work environment, please let them know I am here to help. As a one time special offer for this month, if you refer a friend you will get a 1 hour free sounding board session with Dr Ellie for yourself. If you have anything in particular on your mind that you want to talk through, discuss or get feedback on, this will be the perfect opportunity to claim your 1 hour free session.

Here is the link to the last podcast.

With blessings,
Dr. Ellie

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Dedicated to those we have lost in the Covid-19 pandemic.

Dr. Ellie Zarrabian 

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You are doing quite well in life and work. Fantastic! You are managing and even have a good work/life balance. You’ve been able to shift gears since the pandemic and have been able to put into practice and clearly exercise your values and high standards even under difficult circumstances. Coaching can help take you to the next level of your goals and what you want to achieve for yourself. You are ready to jump start that move you’ve always wanted to make. Take this opportunity and go for it. Dr. Ellie can help you make that shift.

Dr. Ellie Zarrabian 

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