Has the pandemic changed your life?

Take our free assessment and get your results immediately

Please take three minutes to answer these six simple questions and see your results. You’ll see how much the pandemic may be affecting you – personally, at home, and at work.
Scale: 1 = very poor 5 = very good
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1) The pandemic has affected everyone differently. How would you rate your overall adjustment to the pandemic, from March 2020 to now?
2) Many people have had job changes or switched to “work from home” during the pandemic. How would you rate your overall efficiency and productivity at work?
3) How would you rate the overall quality of your relationships with your coworkers, your boss, and others at work?
4) The pandemic put a lot of stress on close relationships. How would you rate the overall quality of your relationships with close friends and immediate family?
5) Sometimes stress builds up over time. When life doesn’t go as planned these days, how would you rate your overall ability to cope well or be patient?
6) Your life may now be harder than before the pandemic – or easier. When it comes to joy, laughter, enthusiasm and creativity in life, how would you rate how you are doing overall?
If your score is 18 or more, then you are doing quite well in life and work. Fantastic! You are managing and even have a good work/life balance. You’ve been able to shift gears since the pandemic and have been able to put into practice and clearly exercise your values and high standards even under difficult circumstances. Coaching can help take you to the next level of your goals and what you want to achieve for yourself. You are ready to jump start that move you’ve always wanted to make. Take this opportunity and go for it. Dr. Ellie can help you make that shift.
If your score is less than 18, then you could use some personal life and career support. No worries! Many people are struggling in bringing more work/life balance into their life especially since the pandemic. With a little bit of care and support, you will find your way again. The hardest part is to acknowledge that you could use some support right now. But here is the chance to reach out. Dr. Ellie is here to offer you the assistance you need in getting you back on track again.
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You are doing quite well in life and work. Fantastic! You are managing and even have a good work/life balance. You’ve been able to shift gears since the pandemic and have been able to put into practice and clearly exercise your values and high standards even under difficult circumstances. Coaching can help take you to the next level of your goals and what you want to achieve for yourself. You are ready to jump start that move you’ve always wanted to make. Take this opportunity and go for it. Dr. Ellie can help you make that shift.

Dr. Ellie Zarrabian 

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Going Deeper

Save your seat to the informational session with Dr. Ellie every last Sunday @10am PST.