Therapeutic Touch

The Power of Therapeutic Touch.

If you are dealing with physical or spiritual pain and want to explore a more gentle, loving, and caring approach, then Therapeutic Touch can be the right direction for you.

Pain management

Terminal illness

Death and dying

Loss of a loved one

What is it?

Therapeutic Touch is a contemporary healing modality drawn from ancient practices and developed by Dora Kunz and Dolores Krieger. The practice is based on the assumption that human beings are complex fields of energy, and that the ability to enhance healing in another is a natural potential. Therapeutic Touch is used to balance and promote the flow of human energy. Research has shown that Therapeutic Touch is useful in reducing pain, improving wound healing, aiding relaxation, and easing the dying process. Therapeutic Touch uses a practice called “laying on of hands” to correct or balance energy fields. The word “touch” is misleading because physical touch is generally not involved. Instead, the hands hover over the body.

How do I know this is needed?

If you or someone close to you is having difficulty in the following areas and would like to address these issues using a more gentle approach, then Therapeutic Touch can be the right direction. Physical pain such as migraine headaches; body aches and pains; digestive disorders like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, ulcers and acid reflux; emotional and spiritual issues such as depression and anxiety, especially around terminal illness; and end-of-life issues can be addressed with Therapeutic Touch.

How to proceed.

During the years I worked as a massage therapist, I discovered that people store away emotions in the body. Depending on where and how the emotion is lodged, I developed different hands on methods to help people find relief from pain. I also found that sometimes talk therapy can get in the way of accessing and releasing stored emotions. In such situations, I recommend Therapeutic Touch as a way to access well being. If you are dealing with physical pain and and have tried traditional medicine, but found no relief then you may benefit from Therapeutic Touch. Call now to set up a time for an initial consultation with Dr. Zarrabian. Sessions are available in English and Farsi.

What My Clients are Saying​

Dear Ellie,

Most of us wandering this planet aren’t aware of too many therapists who have a Ph.D. and also are Shamanic Healers. Knowing that you had a solid background in Western philosophy made me feel very comfortable going on this journey with you. I wasn’t looking for Western healing, but I did want to make sure that my past was held solidly in a professional AND spiritual environment. Ellie you created a foundation where growth appeared for me rather than just contemplated. You helped me discover a path with the abilities I already have and that are unique to me and you gave me the support and encouragement to become my own healer.

You were a lifeline when I called you from my office rooftop that day. I can never thank you enough for the past 8-9 months. They have been life-changing … life-saving.

Thank you, Ellie.
- M.H. & A.I., Hollywood, CA
Dear Ellie,

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” Ellie is a true guiding light and helped me get out of a place that I had been stuck in for so long. She showed me new possibilities, and the degree of transformation that has happened during my time with Ellie is indescribable. I’m in awe of all the joy that has been brought to my life through her guidance and support.

Thank you, Ellie.
N.K., Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
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You are doing quite well in life and work. Fantastic! You are managing and even have a good work/life balance. You’ve been able to shift gears since the pandemic and have been able to put into practice and clearly exercise your values and high standards even under difficult circumstances. Coaching can help take you to the next level of your goals and what you want to achieve for yourself. You are ready to jump start that move you’ve always wanted to make. Take this opportunity and go for it. Dr. Ellie can help you make that shift.

Dr. Ellie Zarrabian 

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Going Deeper

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