A Community Peace Building Giveaway

If your group is experiencing difficulties in low morale due to conflict, then this could be the right direction for you

With all the discord, chaos, and confusion in people’s lives post pandemic, organizations are also going through their fair share. The solution is not to ignore or dismiss the current reality but to meet it head on.

When people are able to feel and experience more positivity and growth, they don’t feel as alone and isolated in their struggles, nor do they feel compelled to displace their fears and unmet needs out into the world and unto others.

That’s true both in the home environment as well as in the community.

By building a stronger inner self, we create a stronger outer life. If enough individuals participate in building a stronger inner self, imagine the impact it can have in the world!

When we slow down and manage our own thoughts and feelings and slowly cultivate more presence in our own life, we are collectively creating a paradigm shift. This is the Butterfly Effect.

Building a more sustainable global environment first begins with the self and then extends out into the world.

The new world of widespread remote work presents challenges and opportunities to organizations. Working from the inside out can help here as well.

Many people find they reach a plateau in terms of how meditation is helping them in their lives. I can help you make your meditative practice a living presence and an ongoing source of spiritual connection and joy.
Dr. Ellie Zarrabian

A Community Peace Building Giveaway

If your group is experiencing difficulties in low morale due to conflict, then this could be the right direction for you. Sign up for the Giveaway with Dr. Ellie and receive the following …
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You are doing quite well in life and work. Fantastic! You are managing and even have a good work/life balance. You’ve been able to shift gears since the pandemic and have been able to put into practice and clearly exercise your values and high standards even under difficult circumstances. Coaching can help take you to the next level of your goals and what you want to achieve for yourself. You are ready to jump start that move you’ve always wanted to make. Take this opportunity and go for it. Dr. Ellie can help you make that shift.

Dr. Ellie Zarrabian 

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Going Deeper

Save your seat to the informational session with Dr. Ellie every last Sunday @10am PST.