Dear Conscious Community,
Are you interested in building a stronger global community? For this month’s newsletter, I address the topic of building a stronger global community from the inside out.
But why from the inside out? Why not just go out there and build a strong community?
That’s because building stronger relationships is an inside job first.
Let me begin by talking about how we are as a global community suffering from Love starvation. By that I mean feeling alone and isolated with life difficulties post pandemic era. This condition is now a topic of concern for many psychologists.
It makes sense that when we are struggling in our personal life, we don’t have much room to reach out to one another in friendship and in goodwill. So feelings of impatience, aggression and hostility are on the rise. Have you noticed that around you these days?
But one important way to remedy this situation is to try to shift what is happening “out there” by doing your own inner work.
To illustrate the power of helping the world from inside out, let me share a real-life story. Mirriam (not her real name) was a single woman in her late twenties when she first saw me. She had recently received her Master’s degree in Computer Science.
She came from a very well-to-do but very strict and traditional family. She was very creative and had a dream of wanting to start her own company, but she felt she couldn’t do that because that would go against her traditional upbringing. Although she was very close to her family, she felt that she was not able to live more authentically because of the expectations that were placed on her. She felt a lot of pressure to live up to her family’s standards and expectations. And as a result, she felt very depressed and even hopeless about her situation and her future.
She was also troubled by the prospect of losing her family ties if she veered off on her own path in life. She loved her family and wanted to remain close, but she also wanted to live more independently. This caused a lot of conflict in her and in her home environment, and she could not see how her situation could improve.
What she wanted seemed completely impossible to achieve from her traditional and strict family upbringing. To bridge this inner and outer conflict, she started her weekly sessions with me while developing an inner practice at home.
Over time, she learned to manage her inner conflict and gained insight into herself. She spent quite a bit of time processing her emotions and all the hardship she had endured in life as a result of her strict upbringing. Gradually, her inner work led to her wanting to be more proactive about her recovery in a way that was new to her. This gave her confidence to tackle her situation by learning how to bridge her family’s expectations with her own needs. Once she was able to de-escalate the situation at home and create a bridge with her family, her relationships improved significantly. Inspired by her own transformation, she went on to help others. She ended up creating her own organization where she helps other women in tech create a shift in their own life.
Remember that change takes time and effort, emphasizing the importance of doing our own inner work before attempting to fix external problems. To help guide readers on their own journey of self-reflection, the following questions are a good starting point.
1.Where do you see conflict or chaos in your own life?
2.What have you done in the past to try and resolve these issues?
3.Did you go outside of yourself to try and change the situation? Did it help?
4.Would you be willing to take a different approach?
5.What are your own conflicting thoughts about the situation? How can you take responsibility for your own thoughts and feelings?
6.What can you do to make a difference within yourself first?
To further help you in this process. I’d like to offer a two hour gift of expert guidance in crafting conflict management for building a more peaceful paradigm in your community starting from the inside out. You can read more about this giveaway gift on my website. To learn more about this gift and how you can sign up for it and receive it today visit this link https://centeronpeace.com/community-giveaway/.
Here is the link to the last podcast.
With blessings,
Dr. Ellie