Dear Conscious Community,
I hope you are in good health and managing OK with all that’s going on.
Lately, I have been doing a great deal of self-reflecting and people watching. I reflect on my own mood and watch it rise and fall. At times, fear kicks in; at other times, doubt. I even experience tremendous joy accompanying the many times when I feel gratitude. As I mindfully watch the vicissitudes of my own emotions, I feel pulled toward further deepening my own spiritual practice.
Then, when I go out into the world, I see grief, loss, confusion, and fear in people’s eyes. I am reminded that self-reflection helps in navigating life direction. I think if people could see themselves more clearly, then they would feel more empowered to change their situation or circumstances.
So I decided to create an online assessment for people to take in the privacy of their home. Here is the link to the (free online assessment.) Take it, and see where you stand with regards to your work/life balance. Share it, to help others, and perhaps also to start some valuable conversations.
These are the times when having a spiritual practice is essential. If you are looking to go deeper with your practice, or even start a new practice, I’m offering a meditation course: “Going Deeper: 5-Week Meditation Training,” starting late this month (June). This is my effort to offer you a safe space to visit, find inner stillness, and connect with that deep, grounding source within yourself.
Please feel free to pass along this newsletter to friends or family members who could use some support during these difficult times.
With blessings,
Dr. Ellie